
03 May, 2020

Maharana Pratap and Chhatrapati Shivaji Raje Bhosale

Most important fact should be considered while writting that Resources for Maharana Pratap are less available compared to Shivaji Maharaj.

But still lets have comparative analysis.

1. Maharana Pratap (Indian king) lived 57 years of life with 25 years as king of Mewar state.
While Chhatrapati Shivaji Raje Bhosale (Indian king) lived 50 years with only 8 years as king.

2. Territorial states of Maharana and Shivaji were Mewar and Sahyadris with extensions in western Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Gujrat and Tamil Nadu respectively.
I think Shivaji must have greater territorial area. But Shivaji actually created base of unpredicted Maratha empire.

3. In terms of forts Shivaji maintained 300+ forts. Many forts were built and revitalized by him.
In case Mewar state forts were less  in number due lack of mountainous regions like western Ghats.
Aravalis are there. But much limited.

4. Earlier Resources Maharana got the already established and well managed state where as for Shivaji there was only Pune jahagiri and not a single fort.
Shivaji started from scratch while Maharana was having extensive Administrative facilities, huge army and all necessary equipments.
Shivaji built very powerful army by going through single by single person.
This was most difficult task for him to persuade local peoples to trust him and stand against the mighty Mughals, Adilshahi, Nijamshahi and Govalkonda states.
Sowing seeds of independant state in the minds of the people to catch their inner fire for state which will be for peoples and of the peoples. i.e. रयतेचे राज्य.
And which resources do he possessed? The first fort (Torana) he conquered was just with few mavle(मावळे/मावले) at his hand.

5. In terms of administration his Ashtapradhan mandal(अष्टप्रधान) is comparable to modern system of council of ministers. Though it already existed earlier, under his reign it got true sense.
It was motivated with welfare purpose and hence stands with distinct identity.

6. Diplomacy: I think Maharana is failed king on this agenda as he rejected five missions of Delhi. The partial successful fifth mission was ended by his rejection to visit delhi. Now here Shivaji also visited Agra as per treaty of Purandar with Mirza Raje Jaisingh.
Agra darbar incident is well known and it stands for his deep planning and understanding loopholes in the enemy place. Otherwise it should have been end of Shivaji.
Here Shivaji was concerned for people to visit Agra and hence their state unlike Maharana.

7. The Guerrilla warfare strategy had reference in both timelines but for Shivaji, he thoroughly researched and extensively used it to fight against enemies.
There is no any other king comparable to him.
See examples of Afjal khan  incident.(bringing him to Pratapgad, visiting him in tent, attractive tent structure and thoughtfully placed his peoples in jungle of Javali to attack enemy army very fastly, looting their fighting equipment)

8. Place of common people in state
Now consider pre Haldigarhi war situation of Maharana. What was background? He destroyed region upto Chittor to prevent Mughal access to food and fodder.
For Shivaji, he attacked Shahistekhan who was destroying Pune area, looting peoples, destroying their agricultural lands and hindu temples so that Shivaji should come out from his hideout.
What shivaji did? He directly attacked Shahistekhan in Pune.
In one Adnyapatra(letter by king) he guides army not to enter or march through any standing crop of rayat/people. If it happens, compensation should be paid to that person. Further he says for any stays of army, food-fodder must be bought by paying proper cost and not for free.
Please I am sorry but Maharana did very brave act of never bowing in front of Mughals but his purposes were narrow, very medieval in nature to save his kingdom and there is absence of common people in his policies.

9. State nature   Thats why Shivaji is inspiration of modern values of freedom, of fearlessness and fighting bravely for welfare of people.
Now Both were hindu kings but Shivaji never sacrificed people for sake of religion only even when it came to dealings with Muslim kings, hence he was also tolerant, secular hindu king.
Even Aurangzeb declared jihad in later phase of his life to expand Mughal empire but not Shivaji.
Bhagwat gita sanctioned deaths for dharma establishment but Dnyaneshwari based on Bhagwat gita said change people's mind and killing them is unnecessary. Thats what shivajis principle is.

10. Navy
Shivaji is known as leader/father of Modern navy. For this he brought french specialist and asked his peoples to learn such skills from them.

11. Seal of state/Royal seal
 Royal seal of Shivaji which read, "This is the royal seal of Shivaji, son of Shahaji. This royal seal is for the welfare of people. This seal (the rule of the seal) will grow like the new moon grows"

I say what is supreme than this and not a single king in India's history matches this level of wisdom and care towards people having peoples will and active support except The Great King ASHOKA.
While most kings were busy in showing there bravery and incarnations through such seals.

12. Salaries. He started paying in cash to all peoples under him to prevent any curruption and also ending jahagiri system atleast during his times.

13. Peoples loyalty
Shivaji is undiminishing example of peoples loyalty.
When Siddi Jauhar encircled Vishal gad fort, there was new shivaji to deal with him and to allow safe passage for origional one.
What was motive?
"There will be thousands of people to fight and to die for such king. But there should be such king. We cant lose you Maharaj. You must go".
And he remained loyal to these words, always being ray of beacon against darkness of slavery, foreign forced rule against people's will, fighting till the last moment.

14. Women: Shivaji prevented his mother Jija Bai against going to Sati/ Suttee (widow self-immolation) which was common during his times. Though there were multiple wives of him.
Mother of Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj died earlier who was raised by (considered as low caste) kunabi maratha woman, even with her milk also.

Important: Shivaji Maharaj was criticized for his loots of Surat but let me remind you, kings destroyed their own territories for prventing enemy but he just went for money to build his state of people.(this is British view of Shivaji)

Other factors:

1. Justice He was very strict in following right practice and adherence to principles.The story of Patil of Ranjha is very famous who was close relative of Shivaji. He punished him by cutting his hands for rape of woman.

 2. Revenueolicy in drought hit areas. He offered much relief to farmers by remissioning taxes.

 3. Unfortunately he was also victim of Varna Vyavastha.Some Brahmans criticized him as low caste and rejected him as Kshatriya raja preventing him to be king. So he invited Gaga Bhatt from Kashi.(This whole coronation is major subject of debate e.g. Ambedkar's position is very different)

4. During Purandar incidence of Mirza Raje, there were also people who were doing yadnya Vidhi for victory of Mirza Raje for eg at Nashik. So there were lot of enemies for him with different faces and against his state like Chandrarao More of Javali.

P.S. I was passionate while writting about Shivaji. So if you find something more than real, pls correct.

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