
06 October, 2014

Human Life Cycle

As infants, we move our limbs laterally in what is called the homologous position, like an alligator or other reptile.  The next stage of movement is homolateral or cross-patterning - that is, we crawl by coordinating, the movements of the right arm and left leg, and the left arm and right leg.  This is the pattern of all four-legged animals.  Eventually, we stand up and walk.  This completes the entire evolutionary cycle of life on earth.  We have now evolved from a single cell to a multicellular organism in the watery world of our mother’s womb (during which time we actually resemble a fish) to birth onto the land.  At this point, we take on the movements that belong to the stages of evolution explained above - from reptile to four-legged animal, and finally to human being.

second picture(7 Weeks)

The second picture is of a child at seven weeks in development and is clearly human, all the way down to his cute little toes. At this point, the foundation for every organ system is already established and beginning to develop. The first signs of brain activity are evident, and the vertebrate, ribs, and muscles are beginning to form. The developing lungs are evident, and the heart, about the size of a poppy seed, is the first organ to function. The beating of the heart can be seen on ultrasound. Also, the origin of the entire central nervous system, comprised of the brain and spinal cord, is laid down. Eye formation, the jaws and upper limbs are now visible. The baby makes his own blood in the liver, bone marrow and spleen. He is way too busy developing to spend time switching between species.  

On a side note, the human life cycle begins with the embryonic stage, beginning at conception. Therefore, the human life cycle begins at conception, rendering abortion the ending of a human life cycle, or more specifically, a human life. 

Murder : to kill (a human being) unlawfully and with premeditated malice. 

Therefore, abortion is, by definition, lawful murder. Abortion is a horribly painful experience for a baby, or fetus if you prefer, to go through. If you search for a video called “Silent Scream” you can watch the ultrasound of an abortion, while a young child, or fetus if you still prefer, flails around violently, with its mouth open before death. 
lets look at these abortion baby: 

                                                 Kindly Stop Abortion

Abortion is human sacrifice. It is a satanic-based ritual being enacted day after day after day by billions of women across the globe -- in exchange for a few minutes of fleeting physical gratification. Is it really worth it?

---------THINK ABOUT IT---------

Stages in the Life cycle

There are four main stages in the human life cycle Birth, Postnatal Development, Adulthood, and Death. Of these, both postnatal development and adulthood are divided up into sections. Pregnancy (the period before birth) is divided into trimesters and during this gestational period, the fetus grows and changes and experiences critical periods. These are times when a fetus is particularly susceptible to outside factors such as diseases or lack of nutrients. During this time the fetus can undergo epigenetic modification.
What other outside factors can affect a fetus in vivo?
After the pregnancy comes birth, a rapid transition from a fairly stable liquid environment to a volatile gaseous one. And after this period come the postnatal development. This is the most complex of the stages and is divided up into these sections
  • Neonatal period
  • Infancy
  • Childhood
  • Juvenile
  • Puberty
  • Adolescence
Which of these sections is the longest and why do you think that is?
In which of these stages is proper nutrition the most critical for brain development, and why is this so?
 Why did new life stages evolve?
If we look at the life cycles of other large primates we see that although humans experience delays in Molar 1 eruptions, menarche and 1st births, humans have less spacing between births (3 years for humans, 6 for chimpanzees). This gives humans the advantage to give birth to more offspring. So we find that our evolution of childhood gives us the reproductive advantage although it does come with some drawbacks. Children need specialized diets and extended periods of care, as they do not become self sufficient until post-adolescence.
Although we cannot study the life cycles of an extinct organism, we can postulate it by looking at currently living species. In looking at archaeological evidence, we can see that there is an increase in brain size in cubic centimeters and that because of this, there had to have been an increase in postnatal stages. When we get to homo sapiens we see the appearance of adolescence.

The life cycle of Plasmodium falciparum malaria parasite

The life cycle of Plasmodium falciparum malaria parasite

Malaria is caused by infection with an obligate, intracellular protozoan parasite of the genusPlasmodium. Of the four species that infect humans (Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium ovale and Plasmodium malariae), it is P. falciparum that is responsible for virtually all deaths. The life cycle of Plasmodium complex and somewhat specific to the parasite species. 

(a) P. falciparum infection in humans begins when an infected Anopheles sp. mosquito takes a blood meal and injects infective sporozoites into the peripheral circulation. 

(b) Within minutes, these sporozoites invade hepatocytes in the liver and, over approximately one week, undergo asexual multiplication, producing tens of thousands of merozoite forms of the parasite. 

(c) When the infected hepatocyte ruptures, merozoites are released into the peripheral circulation. 

(d) The merozoites invade red blood cells (rbcs) and complete another round of multiplication within 48–72 h, with the production of 16–20 additional merozoites per rbc, which devour the rbc haemoglobin in the process. 

(e) The released merozoites invade additional rbcs and carry on the cycle. It is the synchronous release of merozoites that is thought to be responsible for the periodic fevers associated with malaria. 

(f) Some invading merozoites do not divide, but differentiate into male (microgametocyte) and female (macrogametocyte) sexual forms. 

(g) These sexual forms are taken from the bloodstream by a feeding Anopheles sp. mosquito and fertilise in the mosquito midgut to form zygotes. 

(h) These zygotes further differentiate into motile forms, called ookinetes, migrate through the mosquito gut wall and divide within oocysts on the external gut wall to form thousands of sporozoites. 

(i) The infective sporozoites are released into the mosquito haemocoele and move to the salivary gland, where they await injection into another human host, thus completing the life cycle 


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